Bicycle Sharing Coming to a City Near You?

Imagine a world where everyone has access to a bicycle. In this world the air is cleaner, the cities are quieter, and everyone has a smile on their face. This vision (or something like it) may soon be realized in Washington, D.C. through a bicycle sharing program called “SmartBike DC.”

Communities have attempted to institute successful bicycle sharing programs since the 1960s, but only recently have these programs become financially viable and successful. Instituted first (unsuccessfully) by Amsterdam, bike sharing programs have evolved and improved over the years as cities and communities have learned from previous mistakes. Originally planned to provide bikes to anyone anytime, without locks and relying only on the “honor system,” early bike programs ended quickly as the bikes disappeared or were vandalized. Furthermore, the cost to replace and maintain the shared bicycles was high. Failures of this kind have paved the way for the type of bike sharing program that is being initiated in Washington, D.C.

The SmartBike DC program will be funded entirely by an advertising company, Clear Channel Outdoor, which will provide the bikes and necessary infrastructure in exchange for the sole right to advertise on the bikes and at the bike stations. Instead of just putting bikes out for anyone to use whenever they wish, Washington, D.C. residents who are going to use the bike sharing program will be required to pay a $40 annual membership fee. Upon paying this fee, users will be given a membership card, which can be swiped at any of the ten bike stations throughout the city. Bikes can be checked out free of charge after paying the membership fee, and may be kept up to 3 hours at a time. Individuals keeping bikes out longer than 48 hour will automatically be charged a $250 bike replacement fee. Washington, D.C. has started out offering 120 bikes, but upon success of the program, hopes to offer up to 1000 bikes as part of the SmartBike DC program.

Bike Sharing is a relatively new idea in the United States, but has been practiced in successfully in Europe for some time. For example, Barcelona’s bike sharing program offers more than 6,000 bikes in more than 400 station locations throughout the city. In Paris, there are more than 20,000 bikes available throughout the city! Partnering with a private advertiser, this service is offered at extremely low rates (similar prices to the SmartBikeDC program) making it easy and affordable for people to utilize bike transit. While these programs are some of the biggest and most successful, bike sharing programs can be found throughout Europe including Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Stockholm and several locations in Spain.

While several successful bike sharing programs have already been implemented in Europe, SmartBike DC is an innovative and exciting program in the United States. Already other cities are eager to mimic the Washington, D.C. program. San Francisco has committed to cooperating with Clear Channel Outdoor (the same company funding SmartBike DC) and will hopefully unveil a bike sharing program soon, although little information about the plans has been openly discussed. According to the New York Times, both Chicago and Portland are discussing similar bike sharing programs, although they haven’t released official details as of yet. Please see this article for more information:

Bike sharing programs make sense from many perspectives. Residents are given access to bicycles for recreation and travel. Advertisers are given a new advertising venue. City officials hope to see a decrease in downtown traffic and an increase in healthy, biking residents. Hopefully, you’ll see a bike sharing program in a city near you!

For more information on the SmartBike DC program see:

You might also want to check out an interesting bike-sharing blog:

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