How to Stay Cool and Green this Summer

Grilling on the BBQ, lounging around the pool, soaking in the view on your patio – these are all the signature trademarks of summer, but so is the blazing unrelenting heat that comes with it. As much as we love summer, we can’t help but feeling tortured by its heat. And great as summer is, it’s not-so-great features include a sweltering temperatures and intolerable humidity. And just like that, what’s meant to the making of a memorable summer gets turned into desperate attempts to evade inhumane levels of oven-roasting temperatures.

With constant warnings of a thinning ozone layer, the increase of green house gases, with the global temperature on the rise, and with everyone ‘going green’, we’re naturally faced with a dilemma. Being fully aware socially informed earth citizens, we know it’s a hazard to the environment to switch on the air conditioner.

Why ACs are a terrible idea

Air conditioners (ACs) are scandalous environment destroyers, harmful to our health, and total resource wasters. While air conditioning seems to be the go-to solution to heat, AC systems pump out heat and harmful gases into the environment. So yes, while your home may be nice and cool, at some point you have to step out again and when you do, you’re inhaling the fumes your AC chugged out into the air only moments before. Take this situation and times it by the millions of people who all rely on the air conditioner as a heat-solution. Once you see that bigger picture you start realizing why we have a major global warming crises on our hands. What was once a solution for us, the air conditioner is now an environmental trap since the more we use it the more we guarantee we’re going to need it – not to mention the energy required to run an AC dangerously reduces fossil fuel reserves.

Now this may not be enough of a reason for everyone to switch over to the green-team. So let me ask this: Did you know that ACs can be hazardous to your health, even while you’re indoors? That being said, there are plenty of ways to stay green without killing the environment, your health, or your wallet!

Thinking Green

There are lots of little tricks you can keep in mind, and personal habits you can change that will help you get green this summer.

Eating for hot weather – One of the biggest mistakes people make is not changing their eating habits when summer kicks in. Most people normally eat 2-3 big meals a day, and the quantity consumed tends to be higher in the summer since that’s when social events kick in gear. Summer BBQs, as great as they are, are filled with heavy greasy foods and alcoholic beverages – all things that will leave you feeling heavy, weighed down, and more sensitive to heat exposure.

Here’s what you can do: Instead of gorging on grease, eat smaller lighter meals. Try opting for foods with a high water content, like fruits and veggies. And instead of heavy temperature-raising high-calorie beverages, grab a cold glass of water. Eating smart is a fantastic way to thwart the paralyzing effects of summer – and it’ll give you more energy to enjoy all the great things about the season!

Positioning yourself –
 Where you are when it’s hot is a big factor in how hot you feel. With this in mind, try and keep away from that places that are heat emitters (such as kitchens) or heat facilitators (such rooms with no ventilation). Remember that heat also rises, so you’re best off staying on the lower levels of buildings and homes. And don’t forget to watch where you step! Cool from the feet up with cool stone tile, which you can wipe off and lay on for instant relief!

Use the elements – Part of going green is using nature to help nature…and you! So instead of flipping on the AC, why not skip into a cold shower instead for a quick cool down? Switching out hot showers for cold ones is also a great way to save water and energy during the summer. Another way you can help yourself and the environment is by planting trees. Planting trees and larger tree-like plants on the south and west sides of your home will provide a comfortable level of shade. Keep in mind that this has to be done well in advance of summer so that trees and brushes have a chance to grow in.

Get cool the Green way

Ventilate your space – Open up the windows and doors, and let some fresh air in. Ideally, having north and south windows, or opposing windows open, ensures you get some sort of circulation in. However, if you’re stuck in hot humid weather, you may not want more hot damp air in your house. If that’s your dilemma, you can always opt for an electric fan.

Fans – Opting for a fan can be a welcomed solution to ACs. Not only are fans cheaper to run than air conditioners, they’re also cheaper to purchase. Many people looking to go green invest in several fans for their home and patios to ensure there’s always a breeze going through your home while suffering through summer. However, the problem with fans is that sometimes you feel like you’re getting just a load of hot air blown at you. People who get fans usually want to actually cool the environment, and unfortunately your run-of-the mill local super shopping mart fans just don’t do that. What you need to get is a high-powered electric fan that runs quietly and efficient. Superior electric work so you don’t even know they’re there – you just feel their effect.

Portable Air Conditioners – Mobile room air conditions are the latest must-have item for people who want to be green but don’t want to be miserable because of it. Portable ACs are environmentally friendly, wallet-friendly, and energy savers. Mobile aircon units don’t emit harmful pollutants, and some can even run on water and include dehumidification features. Costing only a small fraction of a central AC unit, quality portable air conditioners can cost as little $400, while traditional ACs cost an average of $4000 – and that’s if your house already has ducts and vents in place. And seeing your energy bill every month will be a reason to smile, since portable ACs run as efficiently as traditional air conditioners but at 1/4 the cost.

Remember, summer is all about relaxing, spending time with family and friends – and not about worrying about the weather. Make these few smart adjustments to your home and habits and you’ll have a green summer you’ll soon be telling all your friends about!

If you’re in the market for Portable ACs, check out this link:

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