How to Whiten Teeth Naturally at Home

Hollywood and fashion magazines pressure people into feeling like their teeth need to be a blinding, white color. This is in the face of the fact that many people rely on tea and coffee to get them through their days, both of which gradually yellow teeth. Americans spend $1.4 billion on over-the-counter teeth whitening products each year.1 However, the conventional teeth whitening process is not safe for our health. Luckily, there are non-toxic alternatives that will slowly bring your teeth back to their natural, white color!


iWhy do our teeth get yellow in the first place? There are many factors at play, such as genetics, what you eat and drink, and your oral hygiene routine. A tooth is comprised of four tissues: enamel, dentin, pulp, and cementum.2 The enamel is the translucent covering that protects the tooth. Therefore, the color of the tooth is created by the way that light is reflected off of it. Enamel crystals need to be tightly packed and in good condition for the tooth to appear white.3 The dentin is a hard, yellow material that contains nerves and that supports the enamel. The pulp is the center of the tooth and contains blood and lymph vessels. Lastly, the cementum covers the tooth root.4 Not surprisingly, the enamel and dentin dictate the color of your teeth.

Now let’s look at the problem—while some food and drink stain the enamel, others actually break down the enamel, revealing the yellow dentin underneath.5  There are many teeth-whitening products out there that try to rectify this problem. For instance, tooth-whitening strips are a popular over-the-counter option. Typically, the strip is covered in a peroxide-based gel that you place on the teeth to bleach the stains. I have used them in the past and did not love the experience, as it made my teeth and gums very sensitive.

Another (expensive) option is having your dentist whiten your teeth for you.  A study in 2012, published in the Journal of Dental Research, discovered that bleaching subjects’ teeth with 35% hydrogen peroxide caused rougher enamel, deep porosities, and sensitivity due to the inflammation of the pulp. The researchers also noticed molecular changes in the teeth—the dentin experienced an increase in enzymes that break down collagen. In addition, the hydrogen peroxide used in the bleaching process can release mercury from silver fillings, causing them to deteriorate.  Therefore, the researchers concluded that bleaching is not a safe cosmetic procedure.6  By using remedies made from natural foods, you can avoid the negative impacts of hydrogen peroxide.

One benefit of making your own remedies is that they can be zero-waste products. Both the coconut oil pulling and strawberry and salt scrub that I explain below do not produce any waste, toxic or otherwise. On the other hand, teeth-whitening strips, which are covered in chemicals, are disposed of and dumped in landfills. It doesn’t help that the strips come in an unnecessary amount of non-recyclable plastic and aluminum packaging, as well.7

By making your own teeth-whitening products, you avoid accidentally supporting animal testing. For more information on animal testing: Animals and Testing .

If you run a Google search for natural alternatives to conventional teeth-whitening products, so many options pop up. This guide features two of my favorites!

  • Oil Pulling

iiOil pulling is a very old Ayurvedic practice that people have used for centuries to whiten their teeth and improve the overall health of their mouth. While the results are not as obvious as bleaching your teeth, the lauric acid in coconut oil can remove bacteria on your teeth that weaken your enamel. Oil pulling also keeps your gums healthy and your breath fresh.8

Cost:Low. Perhaps you already have coconut oil in your kitchen. If you don’t, you can easily buy coconut oil at a supermarket or health foods store for under $10.

Time and Effort: Medium. It is ideal to oil pull for 10-15 minutes every day. I like to oil pull while I’m in the shower or watching an episode on Netflix to avoid getting bored.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil

Additional materials needed: None


  1. Before brushing your teeth in the morning, put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth.
  2. Swish and “pull” the oil through and around your teeth for 10-15 minutes. It will start to get foamy in your mouth, so it’s okay to spit a little out if your mouth feels too full.
  3. Spit the oil out, rinse your mouth with water, and brush your teeth.
  4. Repeat daily.
  • Strawberry & Salt Scrub

You will find strawberries in many do-it-yourself teeth whitening recipes. Their popularity stems from the fact that they are high in vitamin C, which helps break down plaque on your teeth that will eventually weaken your enamel and yellow your teeth. Adding the salt helps to gently scrub any excess food off of your teeth.9

Cost:Low. Both sea salt and strawberries are inexpensive to buy.

Time and Effort: Medium. You will most likely already have salt in your kitchen, and organic strawberries are easy to purchase at any grocery store.

3 organic strawberries
A pinch of sea salt

Additional materials needed:
Paper towels


  1. Put the strawberries into a bowl and mash them into a pulp with a fork.
  2. Add a pinch of sea salt to the mashed strawberries.
  3. Stir the mixture.
  4.  Wipe any excess moisture off of your teeth with a paper towel.
  5. Apply the mixture to your toothpaste and brush your teeth. Allow the mixture to sit on your teeth for five minutes.
  6. Rinse your mouth out.
  7. Store the mixture in Tupperware and put in your fridge. It will keep for a few days.
  8. Repeat nightly.

In addition to these non-toxic remedies you can use at home, it is important to avoid acidic drinks, as the acidity makes teeth enamel weaker. When the enamel is weaker, it is easier for drinks such as tea and coffee to stain your teeth.10 Here’s to more smiles in your day ☺

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